阻燃过滤棉 产品特性: * 采用递增结构,即往纯净空气方向的纤维密度逐渐增大 * 按过滤效率分为初效、中效两大类; *按阻燃性能来分有两种:1遇明火不易燃;2、遇明火只收缩,不燃烧,可通过垂直法测试; * 兼具其他同类过滤棉特性,可*替代同类进口产品; * 符合阻燃防火分类标准欧洲DIN53438-F1、国标GB5454-1977B1、日本JCAC **1A-2003 用途: 用于各种空气过滤设备的预过滤,防火要求严格的喷涂工作环境及空气通风设备中; Flame-retardant filter media *Gradual structure, the fiber density increases gradually toward the pure air * According to the flame retardant properties, it is divided into two kinds: 1) non-flammable; 2) only shrink, not combustion *Has coarse efficiency and medium efficiency. *Conform to European, Chinese and Japanese classification for the non-flammability (e.g.: DIN 538438-F1, GB5454-1977B1, JCAC NO.A-2003) 技术参数: Specification 型号Type 过滤 等级Class 厚度Thickness (mm) 氧指数LOI 克重 (g/m2) 平均计重效率 Average Arrestance 风速Airflow (m/s) 初阻力 Initial Pressure (Pa) 持续耐温Temperature (℃ ) 较大容尘量Dust Holding Capacity FS-150 G2 8±2 26 150±15 62% 2.5 30 80 380 FS-300 G3 10±2 26 200±20 70% 2.5 54 80 600 注:可根据需要定制不同规格. Note: Special Size Available Upon Request.